Bryan Dawe

Booking / Enquiry

Victoria, Australia

One of Australia's funniest satirists and humorists, Bryan Dawe is well known for his long-running interviews with John Clarke on ABC TV's 7.30 Report and as one of the stars of its hit satire, The Games. Of Bryan's many colourful stage personalities, the most famous is Sir Murray Rivers, the retired Victorian Supreme Court Judge. Sir Murray's inimitable observations are guaranteed to provide welcome comic relief from the world of serious business. A brilliant entertainer! Every decision that Sir Murray ever made as at the bench was overturned at appeal. His humour is insightful, intelligent and hilariously politically incorrect.

Bryan Dawe as Sir Murray Rivers QC:
Sir Murray Rivers QC (aka Bryan Dawe) is an outspoken media commentator on ABC Radio and has been described in political circles as "The Graham Richardson of the Liberal Party". A former Victorian Supreme Court Judge, Sir Murray is also the founder and director of the Centre for Monarch Retention based at the Melbourne Club. Sir Murray's current presentation is entitled 'The State of the Colony Address.' A brilliant hoax character, Sir Murray's presentation never fails to delight and usually leaves the audience captivated and in fits of laughter that last even after the performance is over. The wonderful incorrectness of Sir Murray combined with Bryan's outstanding comic wit and thorough grasp of complex issues has ensured that the conservative Sir Murray continues to live on and surprise, shock and entertain audiences. It is not surprising that very decision that Sir Murray ever made as a supreme court judge was overturned at appeal!

Bryan Dawe as himself: 'Nothing Organised.'
"There is no box ticked at school called 'Political Satirist.' So begins Bryan Dawe's personal reminiscence from his early school days when he was told by his career advisory officer that he could never do what he is now doing. Taking his cue from Spike Milligan's famous statement 'I've got nothing organised so nothing can go wrong,' Bryan takes us on a personal journey into his own life and the creative lives of his two most loved characters - the radio character 'Roly Parks from his much loved 'Letters from Kalangadoo series,' and the outrageous conservative 'Sir Murray Rivers QC' heard on ABC Radio and who Bryan has performed extensively on the speaker circuit. As well, Bryan talks about his work with John Clarke and the political interviews on the 7:30 Report, his involvement with 'The Games' for ABC television, and his work in films such as 'The Castle' and 'The Honourable Wally Norman.' (to be released in May 2003)

In a revealing and humorous hour, Bryan reveals how his characters originated and the process of their development. During his talk he performs excerpts of Sir Murray Rivers and Roly Parks. 'Nothing Organised' is a thoroughly entertaining talk and performance from one of Australia's leading satirists and humorists.

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