Ben Hutton
Ben specializes in providing entertainment at corporate functions, product launches, parties, weddings, cocktail parties, festivals, theme parks and casinos.
From close-up roving magic to large shows and all things in between,
Ben is the expert entertainer you need to add prestige to your event!
You can relax in knowing that your guests are being treated to
something truly amazing and that your event will be remembered as a success... Ben will make you look good and you will get the thanks!
Some Career highlights....
In 2006 Ben performed at 'Window on China' Theme Park, Taiwan. He entertained thousands with his sleight of hand magic and large illusions.
In the years 2004 and 2005 Ben performed in the 'Vegas Viva Dolls', theatre restaurant show. He was reviewed as the 'standout performer'.
In 2004 Ben's show, 'WhoTon', enjoyed a sell-out season at the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
In the years 2001-2004 Ben performed at Sky City Casino in Auckland, New Zealand as part of their New Year's festivities.
In 2000, Ben performed at theme Park, 'Leo Foo Village', Taiwan ROC. The show featured Grand Illusions and in three shows a day Ben would make his assistant float in the air and then magically transform her into a live Tiger.
About Ben...
Ben was inspired to study conjuring at the age of eleven and by thirteen he had his first professional gig.
Fast forward to 2011. After decades of being a full time performer and thousands of professional shows later, he has become one of the most sought after magic acts, working for the biggest companies in Australia
Based in Melbourne, he is a performer in great demand, and the reason is simple...audiences love his magic!