Thulli Dreamtime - Sydney
"Thullii" - meaning sand goanna – is a totem of the Ngemba people, the owners of Thullii Aboriginal Performers.
The Thullii Dreamtime Performers are unique for their performances of song and dance are from the Ngemba language, the only group showcasing the unique culture that is alive and strong in North West NSW with traditional language, song, dance, traditional artifact, musical instruments and stories of the Ngemba Nation.
As part of their commitment to the Aboriginal community in which they live, they teach dance and culture on a voluntary basis to young Aboriginal children helping them and their families to develop pride in their culture and heritage.
Thullii Dreamtime performers have been performing since 1997 in schools, Tafe's, Universities, for government bodies in NSW and the ACT, at corporate events, at private functions for Naomi Campbell, Keanu Reaves & Lawrence Fishburn and were winner of Western Sydney Area Health & Daruk AMS Dance Off competition in 1999.
Thulli recently performed at the opening of Harmony Day 2005 at the Royal Easter Show for the Department of Immigration and the Royal Agricultural Society.